28 Aug 2022 - Matías Jackson

With the Foreign Interests theatre, set in Sefrou-Ramal, coming to a close Synixe contractors takes a hiatus between extended deployments.

Arsey, looking at the horizon Synixe treasurer Arsey Johnson during a contract

Theatre Background

Brett posing Synixe president Brett Harrison during a contract

During the Foreign Interests theatre, Synixe Contractors saw itself under the employment of Daltgreen Mining & Exploration Ltd., a multinational mining company.

After Sefrou-Ramal elected a new president, resulting in a more democratic government being established, the UNA was deployed to assist in the transition. After the change in leadership, multinationals started to settle in the country and took the lead in the industrialization process of the country, angering a group of insurgents who decided to take matters into their own hands.

When insurgents opened fire on the workers of a Daltgreen mine and proceeded to bomb it the company decided to hire Synixe Contractors to provide security and logistics services to secure all industrial endeavors in the area.

Synixe’s Operations

Convoy Contractors transporting mining equipment

During the theatre Synixe provided a wide range of services for Daltgreen, these included:

Shooter Contractor set up on a vantage point in a ridge

Synixe’s efforts ultimately resulted in success because since we left the region, Daltgreen has continued to operate in the country without any further problems and Sefrou Ramal’s economy and industry are steadily progressing.